The day has finally arrived.
The start of a new adventure into the world of blogging, writing, learning, and sharing. After countless edits and a lot self imposed criticism, this site is now live. This is a dilemma I have found myself in many times before. Thinking of an idea, sitting on it, brainstorming, and then endlessly refining that idea until it is either A) No longer relevant B) Not worth the time C) Already started by someone else.
I’m happy to say that in this instance, “Done is better than Perfect“, and I’m excited the day is finally here.
This website is the digital starting line on a journey that I have waited far too long to begin. The initial purpose of this site will be two fold:
- Showcasing my ongoing Projects
- Sharing Tools, Techniques, and Resources related to Digital Marketing/Salesforce/Wordpress
Thank you for the support and let’s get started!